Amazing Milestones!
As 2024 draws to a close, we're so grateful for all the support we've received over the past year. Thanks to all of our wonderful supporters, we were able to prepare and present our appeal in the Charter Challenge for Fair Voting at the Court of Appeal for Ontario last month, and just a couple of days ago we closed out our fundraising round to support preparing a "leave to appeal" application to the Supreme Court of Canada that we expect to submit sometime in late spring or early summer of 2025 (special thanks to a generous contributor who topped up donations over the past month by 25%!).
We Don't Need More Money! (well, just a little bit)
We're a bit nervous about saying this, especially since the end of December is usually a great time to make last-minute appeals for donations that will attract charitable receipts, but at the moment we have received all the funding we need to file our "leave to appeal" application, so we don't actually need (much) more money right now.
Of course, we do hope that the Supreme Court will grant us leave to appeal in mid-2025, and then we'll need about $35,000 to prepare our appeal submission and another $25,000 to prepare for and appear before the Supreme Court - $60,000 in total - and we do plan to ask you for that in due course.
Switching to Pledge Campaign
But since we don't yet know if the SCC will grant our request, we don't want to solicit or accept contributions from you for this at this point. However, it would be really helpful to us to know that we'll have your support if and when they do grant us leave.
For this reason, we've instead launched a two-phase Pledge Campaign and would like to invite you to reassure us that you'll support us in appealing to the Supreme Court if the SCC allows it. To pledge your support, simply click either or both of the buttons below. If you pledge to support us in Phase 1, we would plan to call in your pledge as soon as we know if the SCC has granted our request (likely in fall 2025). We'll then plan to call in Phase 2 pledges a couple of months later (late fall 2025 or early 2026).
Pledge for Phase 1: Preparing and Submitting Written Appeal (fall 2025):
Pledge for Phase 2: Preparing for and Appearing Before Supreme Court (early 2026):
Operating and Future Initiatives Fund
Of course, we do have some modest ongoing operating costs (about $2000/y), and we're thinking about some new initiatives, so we would certainly appreciate receiving any contributions towards either of these. If you'd like to make a year-end donation for these purposes, simply click the button below.
Thanks again for your ongoing support - as always, we absolutely couldn't do this without you!
Stay tuned to this blog for updates on electoral reform and the Charter Challenge for Fair Voting.
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Springtide Chair published this page in Blog Updates 2024-12-30 16:16:25 -0400