Partner Organizations
The Charter Challenge project was initiated by Fair Voting BC in early 2017. Fair Voting BC is a non-partisan non-profit society that works for fair voting systems for all elections held in British Columbia - including federal, provincial, and municipal elections. In the 2009 referendum on electoral reform in BC, Fair Voting BC (FVBC) served as the official proponent of the BC’s Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform’s recommendation that BC adopt the Single Transferable Vote (BC-STV) electoral system. The project-lead from FVBC is Dr. Antony Hodgson, president of the FVBC board.
In May of 2017, Springtide accepted an invitation from Fair Voting BC to partner on this project, to provide operational leadership, oversight and support for the Challenge. Springtide is a Nova Scotia-based charity dedicated to non-partisan research, teaching and public engagement about democracy and politics in Canada. Springtide has published two papers on electoral reform - modelling four alternative electoral systems for Canada and Nova Scotia - and conducted public engagement and education workshops on electoral reform throughout Nova Scotia. The project-leads from Springtide are Jesse Hitchcock and Matt Risser.
Advisory Board
The following individuals served on the advisory board for the Charter Challenge during initial stages of the project.
- Dr. J. Patrick Boyer, QC - Lawyer, professor, writer, former Progressive Conservative MP, expert on Electoral Law in Canada, ON
- Annette Demers - Associate Dean, Law Library and Legal Research Services, University of Windsor, ON
- Caitlin Urquhart - Associate Lawyer at Smyth Woodland Del Rizzo & Barrett, St. John's, NL
- Dr. Fred Cutler - Political Scientist, University of British Columbia, BC
- Réal Lavergne - Former President, Fair Vote Canada, ON
- Matt Risser - Co-author of Springtide's discussion papers Better Choices: Voting System Alternative for Nova Scotia and Canada, NS