This page is for collecting pledges in support of Phase 2 of our Pledge Campaign - preparing to appear before the Supreme Court if the Court agrees to hear an appeal from whichever party loses at the current Court of Appeal stage. Check out more background information on our Phase 1 page (and make a pledge there, if you wish to support preparing our submission).
Pledge Your Support:
To support us in preparing and submitting our written appeal arguments to the Supreme Court of Canada, please visit our Phase 1 page.
To support us in preparing for and appearing in front of the Supreme Court (Phase 2), simply fill out the pledge form below. We'll only ask you to make good on your pledge if the Supreme Court agrees to hear the case, so you won't need to make a payment today, and you'll have a chance to change your mind later, but it will really encourage us (and let us put our full attention towards preparing the case) if you let us know now that we have your backing.
"When Will You Want My Money?"
When the SCC issues its decision about hearing an appeal (likely in fall 2025), and if it's favourable, we'll email all Phase 1 pledgers and ask them to make their contribution so that we can get right to work. Once we've filed our appeal arguments (late fall 2025 or early in 2026), we'll reach out to Phase 2 pledgers. In the meantime, please consider supporting our ongoing work by contributing to our "Operating and Future Initiatives" Fund.